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Subject: Re: Display connection

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Date Posted: 05:09:01 05/10/03 Sat
In reply to: Per Medin 's message, "Display connection" on 13:00:04 05/08/03 Thu

:) I also have downloaded the JAL packages but I don't like languages like Pascal... I like PASCAL!!! So my opinion is that Pas2PIC Compiler is better of the forementioned JAL in the language compatibility, and some day it'll be the best :) So...
There are several ways to connect the LCD display based on Hitachi HD44780 to pic microcontroller:
- bidirectional 8-bit (8 i/o data lines and 3 control ouput lines);
- unidirectional 8-bit (8 output data lines and 3 control output lines);
- bidirectional 4-bit (4 i/o data lines and 3 control ouput lines);
- unidirectional 4-bit (4 output data lines and 3 control ouput lines).

If you've read the HD44780 Howto :) (or .pdf) you may noticed that the display can work in woth 4- and 8-bit modes. The mode is selected in by sending special command sequence to the LCD unit after PowerOn or when you Initialize it. So this means the following: 7-lines for 4-bit mode (excluding Vcc, Gnd, Contrast and BackLight lines which aren't mcu controlled usually :) or 11-lines for 8-bit mode. The other thing that deserves mentioning is that the LCD unit has no need of bidirectional communication with it - you may send a command to it and wait at least the time specified by the data sheet. This isn't the fastest implementation (if you are aiming in fast text writing to lcd), but is the simplest to implement - when I first tried to communicate with LCD and write some fun texts to it, I decided to connect it to my pc's LPT port, and after cleaning the things to move it to pic controller. So, I wish you not to make fire and smoke :) and if you are interested in HD44780 compatible controller data sheet or a schematic for connecting it to a pc (the pic schematic is just the same!) drop me a line!

Best Regards,
Nikolai Dimitrov a.k.a. PicMaster

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Subject Author Date
Re: Yet Another Display connectionPicMaster05:21:37 05/10/03 Sat
    Re: Yet Another Display connectionPer Medin06:16:14 05/10/03 Sat

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