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Subject: ~{ Faded Glow }~

~ Costa del Sol ~
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Date Posted: 15:01:54 08/17/03 Sun
In reply to: Rhian 's message, "Homeward bound" on 16:11:59 11/27/02 Wed

Golden fem entered at a shuffling walk, flaxen banner dragging behind in defeat. Palomino pelt still held the glow of health beneath a light coat of dust but the shimmer, her inner light, was now only flickering. Arab vix paused, perched on a grassy knoll with a commanding view of the area. Glassy orbs scanned the terrain on impulse, though the mare knew that she would never again find what she sought so desperately. The little horse, though she had barely seen the change of six summers, had a tired, weathered sort of look to her. She had never felt so thin, so transparent, as if a gentle breeze would sweep her away. She often wished it would. A shuddering breath was drawn as the mare blinked several times, desperately fighting the tears that threatened to spill. She struggled to come to terms with her new reality. It was too much. Everything was so different. All she had ever known...everyone she had ever loved...They were...Gone. All of them. Never again could she see the mare who had taken her in as a lost lonely foal. Her mother was gone. Her friends too. The horses she had grown up with, who had shared her every triumph and every pain, they were gone. And if truth be told, she had never looked beyond them for companionship. Her world was within that TT. Though she had met many horses in her travels, she had deceived them all. Never allowed herself to let loose, to be true, to live or love. She could never return to her home, for it was home no longer. She had nothing, no one. She was...alone. All Alone. There was no one but herself for comfort now. With a sharp sigh, the mare allowed her once proud dial to droop dejectedly. The last bit of shine vanished from her coat. Chocolatey orbs opened wide, glazed over, then slowly slumped shut. A lone tear slipped past her tight shut lids and slid gently down her golden face, falling to the earth without a sound. The breeze tugged at mane and tail but was unable to stir her lifeless tresses. The mare turned her head away despairingly. She was lonely. She was lost.

Title: Costa del Sol
Alias: Coast
Privilege: Mare
Revolutions: 6
Heritage: Arab in blood, Spanish at heart.
Frame: A mare of modest size, Coast stands around 14.2 hands high. She is built lightly, though she lacks the breakable appearance that many of her breeding have. Well muscled, she is a fit and athletic individual, capable of enduring a great deal of punishment.
Stain: Though once a creature the shade of purest gold, her coat now has a tarnished dirty look to it. A faded tone, like old bronze. Creamy tresses that at one time fell in glossy waves now hang dull and dingy, their appearance further obscured by tangles and snarls.
Persona: The carefree joys of childhood are far behind her. Once a spunky, energetic youth, this young mare’s temperament has been drastically subdued. One look in her eyes and any fool could see she has aged far beyond her years. Though at times seeming antisocial, a good dependable friend or two is what she longs for most. A stalwart individual, she tried her hardest to take what life handed her and make the best of it. But a person can only take so much, and lately she has found herself quite overwhelmed. The damage done, while admittedly great, is quite repairable. With time and love, her scars will heal and she will once again find her place in this mixed up world.
Past: A painful affair, she refuses to share with any but those she trusts the very most.
Calling: Light born and raised. She has wandered for some time now and calls no place home.

Purpose: Though her presence on the ISO board was quite unintentional, Coast is searching for companionship. Too confused to even think about a mate at the moment, she is in need of an understanding friend to help her through the rough spots, though she might not admit it...

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~{ Faded Glow }~~ Costa del Sol ~15:05:22 08/17/03 Sun

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