Subject: A Short Status Report |
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Date Posted: 20:16:24 08/23/03 Sat
Okay... here's the skinny on the last two weeks. The short version.
Went to the top of the Michigan glove for a small vacation. I needed it, trust me. It was a miserable time. Lots of irritating things happened. It started with a speeding ticket while driving up there, and things went down hill from there. I managed to get two chapters of TLW completed, and worked on a new APTL chapter. As I sat plunking away on my laptop enjoying the secenery of Lake Michigan, I moved to quickly to look at something. The laptop slid off my lap, and into the lake. Water and electricity are not freinds... not by a long shot. I had found a pier with an outlet, so I was using the AC power adapter. The chain reaction was not pretty. Sodium-hallide lights make a violent sound when they pop. Okay, that was kind of cool. The laptop, however, went terminal.
Had one of my colleagues at work try and extract any information he could find on the hard drive. He is very good. He managed to pull the APTL chapter... most of it anyway. The rest was a complete loss. The rest of my co-workers did get a good laugh at seeing the remains of my laptop. It torqued out of shape in very strange ways. It's a goner. Done and dead.
Then, the power goes out throughout half of Michigan and the east coast. I had a total of two productive days between coming home from that rotten vacation and the blackout. Lost a few inconsequential pieces of equipment at home when we went into a brown-out condition for nearly twelve hours. I failed to unplug one server, my alarm clock, telephone answering machine, and a halogen lamp. They are toast, and have gone the way of my laptop. Technology has turned on me. I have been betrayed by electrical devices! Hehe! :)
Anyway, I had to do something with my what freetime I had when the power came on. I looked over the remains of the APTL chapter, liked what I saw, and continued with it. The writing part of my brain switched gears on me. I'm back into APTL for a while, I think. Got two chapters in the can, sent to the editors, and am working on a third. Expect some new posts relatively soon.
That about covers it. Be well, all.
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