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Date Posted: 20:13:40 12/27/06 Wed
Author: Rick
Subject: Shifting Problem in Defective Manual Transmission

We are extremely dissatisfied with Kia Motors America Inc. customer service and their absolute indifference and non-solution to our serious safety problem.

Since our vehicle was almost new we have been experiencing a highly intermittent shifting problem with our manual tranny that suddenly will not let us shift gears or move the vehicle at all. When it happens we immediately turn on emergency flashers and have to wave other drivers around us until we can get the vehicle to shift once again. We have driven manual tranny's for years and have never experienced anything like this.

Due to this defect we are being put in very unsafe situations. It has happened in the middle of intersections, pulling away from lights, in city traffic and highway driving. When we make a left turn or pull into traffic we never know if this is the time it will happen again!

Kia Inc. has denied any other documented cases although we have confirmed we are not an isolated case. We and others have documented with Kia but because it has not duplicated during test drives Kia Inc. refuses to recognize the problem exists and will not help us or anyone else with this problem.

We are sickened by the lowest level of customer service we have ever received from Kia Inc. reps and managers.

In our RVing lifestyle we tour the USA and Canada and always meet people who ask us what we think of our 2005 Sorento and Kia's customer service. In no uncertain terms we are letting folks know we can not recommend our Sorento because of its safety defect, the terrible customer service we have received from Kia Inc. and their disgusting total disregard for our safety.

We are not being unreasonable asking Kia Inc. for a replacement transmission. It really is sad that Kia Inc. will not work with us on this. Other than the defective manual transmission we have had not other problems with our Sorento, think it's a great vehicle and would highly recommend it to other consumers.

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