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Date Posted: 07:29:37 02/27/11 Sun
Author: Jeffman
Subject: Re: I notice C-PAC is up and running
In reply to: Shirley 's message, "Re: I notice C-PAC is up and running" on 19:01:09 02/17/11 Thu

A few things about this. First its politics. They ALL make a boatload of promises they cant keep in order to get in office. Obama has not fulfilled many of the promises he made. The Democratic congress was not able to deliver on many of theirs. So it should be no surprise that the 'new' party in politics finds the same thing. Its easy to make promises but harder to keep them.

The tea party was only very loosely affiliated with the GOP. Matter of fact the GOP tried in some instances to get the tea party candidates to not run so that a more GOP party person would have a shot. Im hopeful that the GOP cant control these tea party folks because the same ol same ol same ol in Washington needs to change. I doubt it will but hey you never know.

The GOP doesnt have as much power as they have had in the past. They only control one house of congress. They can send stuff to the Senate but that doesnt mean the Senate will pass any of it. I would also point out that they have only controlled the house for 2 months. What did you expect out of them in two months?

>I'm sorta getting confused as to whether I'm watching
>Comedy Central or Cspan! The GOP made a deal with the
>devil (Tea Party) and now they're reaping the
>whirlwind. Boehner can't control them nor can Mitch
>McConnell and I'll have to admit, it's kinda fun to
>watch them squirm and try to fullfill all those
>campaign promises--as though anyone believed them at
>the time they were made. Guess the GOP checked their
>power at the door.

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