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Date Posted: 19:04:52 02/28/11 Mon
Author: shirley
Subject: Re: I notice C-PAC is up and running
In reply to: Jeffman 's message, "Re: I notice C-PAC is up and running" on 07:29:37 02/27/11 Sun

Well, Jeff, the party leaders said they already had plans on paper to solve all the ills (promises, right?) except they still haven't released them--such as Ryan's proposals on the economy. What I've seen so far is that they're rubber stamping what Obama has already proposed in budget cuts. Boehner, Cantor and Ryan have talked about their plans every time they could find an open mic. Look, pure and simple, there are a lot of government programs I'd like to see eliminated. Why are we still subsidising tobacco when they're trying to wipe out smoking? That's ludicrous. The subsidies to farmers are also a joke. Big corporations are now able to get those subsidies when it should be restricted to small family farmers when they lose crops due to floods or droughts. ITT also gets federal money for stuff that no longer exists. Instead of endless jawing by pols who don't know their behinds from a hole in the ground, why don't they get down to business and cut genuine waste in programs that are obsolete?

There are presently 237 millionaire members of congress. These are the folks that make our laws. Do you really think they're going to vote for any laws that would be against their own best interest? The middle class has seen stagnent salaries for years yet congressional leaders give themselves raises year after year and they're NOT tied to cost of living increases. That what SS recipients have to live with. Have you seen any of those millionaire congressional members give up that $!40,000 (plus all the perks) salary during this recession? After all, that would hardly reduce them to poverty level.

Republicans have vowed to shut down the government and blithely say cutting a million jobs is no big deal. Really? That's a million who won't be paying state and local taxes. That's a million who will be added to the unemployment rolls and hence will be collecting unemployment checks. They say current SS and VA recipients will continue receiving their checks but those now applying won't be covered. A little reminder if you please. Our grandson, Brian, finished his 12-year service as a Marine two weeks ago and moved back home. The VA sent his records to San Diego where he formerly lived and he's been on the phone every day trying to get them sent to Chicago, a 45 minute drive from here. If or when the Republicans shut down our government, Brian won't receive his benefits. This is our thanks for three tours in Iraq, This will cut him off from treatment for hearing loss in one ear, shrapnel which still hasn't be removed and a shoulder injury which hasn't been treated yet. How do you feel about that?

Today's NY Times used Indiana as an example of the "Great" success achieved through Bush's our man Mitch" Daniels' eliminating collective bargaining for state workers. There's another side to that story. Daniels outsourced our expressways to a foreign company. Road repairs have not been kept up, tolls are under question and fewer people are using the toll road. He outsourced assessor's to a Chicago CPA firm which resulted in thousands of appeals because of faulty assessments and it eventually ended up in the courts. The CPA firm was fired and assessments had to be done all over. He outsourced the welfare system to another CPA firm and they also ended up getting fired for mismanagement and Daniels had to bring back a whole lot of those fired government-hired employees. Indiana property owners are now being taxed more and big businesses paying less.

I've cited LTV's bankruptcy before but for those not in the know, here's the story. Employees of LTV lost ALL of their benefits--pensions, health insurance and everything else they had been promised, regardless how long they had worked for LTV. The CEO walked away with a multi-million dollar golden parachute after an only two-year tenure with LTV in which he made one bad decision after another which drove the company into bankruptcy. How would you feel if you had a serious illness/disease and too young to qualify for SS, lost your health care, then your home and then bankruptcy, then welfare, then food banks?

Let's not forget who drove us into this ditch. Two UNFUNDED wars. Two UNFUNDED tax cuts. An UNFUNDED prescription drug plan in which they lied lied about the projected cost which has been far greater than they predicted and which gave Tom DeLay a prison term. Who benefitted from that? The insurance companies and pharmacueticals.

They claim in interest in creating jobs yet they've introduced nothing that would create jobs. Pence (R-IN) introduced a bill about abortions. They don't worry about a million losing their jobs. They don't worry about the deficit--they want more tax cuts and God forbid that the tax code be simplified and rewritten. They also facilitated outsourcing OUR jobs to China. Anyone watch "60 Minutes" last night? China is not only reaping big dividends from our outsourcing but they're bribing and blackmailing our government employees into giving them all our weaponry and security secrets--classified documents. the FBI has caught some along with their complicent US intelligence employees but how many are still out there? As far as I'm concerned, all those US companies who moved to China should be tried for aiding and abetting.

There's REAL work to be done but I don't see anyone stepping up to do it. More fun to jaw and think only about getting reelected.

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