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Date Posted: 11:59:42 01/19/03 Sun
Author: Forbidden Depths
Subject: ^..::Arrival::..^
In reply to: Ember 's message, "Small red femme enters...." on 18:48:17 01/18/03 Sat


^..::The drake enters, more slowly than usual. Surveying his home. The walls, each creves and dip. Each rock, each possesion. Especially the possesions. His and his brothers. Not that he would keep his brothers for very much longer. He truely believed now, that Fury was gone::..^

^..::Returning his attention to the present, he focuses on the little dragoness. Grins. She was so funny. Her worries were baseless, and they only made him love her more. So, he would tell her::..^

^..::It's not bad Embers. In fact, I think of it as rather good. I just want to remind you that I love you for who you are. Not for someone your not. I love that you don't blend in with the others. You are set apart. Unique different. That's what made me love you in the first place. You have no reason to worry. In my absences, my love has never faltered. Only grown stronger::..^

^..::Ending this reasurance he falls into a slightly akward silence. And filled it quickly, grinning::..^

^..::How's your sister? Have you told her you can talk yet? I kinda miss the constant tension. It made life interesting. How are the kids? Oh nevermind we don't have any::..^

^..::He laughs, easing the tension in him if not in her. Grinning, he waits for a responce. He was quite done being serious::..^

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