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Date Posted: 20:49:19 10/18/02 Fri
Author: 'Taren
Subject: [revenge]
In reply to: Lost Darkness 's message, "|...:::|+|:::...|" on 18:37:10 10/18/02 Fri

[dragon of sky colors simply listens][eyes closed, ears very much alive][nodding head, light sapphire jewels open ever so slightly][transfixed upon her, a smile appears] *Yes, I am here for my revenge. My mother of a wrongful cause, and I wish to avenge it... Yet, I believe my mother would have wanted me to find a home which has been done already... And to live my life the way a dragon should live it...* [the shadows kept him alive and awake now][their chilling whispers and breathes kept him wanting more][inching his way to her, he ends up close][head inbetween her crossed arms, looking up][stomach facing the sky, his back and wings sprawled neatly upon the ashen ground][lighter, more sterling scales shimmer in the light, his chest plates of blue tint as well radiating][sapphires look up at her, sterling sheets of under-neck reflecting light][silvered talon reaches up and grasps her cheek, hoping for orbs to look at him][within his mind only, he speaks to her] *-It is up to you, how you wish to take this whole concept. Revenge does not need to be immediate, let me assure you. Tell me what you want, m'lady-* [smirk appears upon sterling lips][orbs of sapphires hopefully gaze into those of the beauty above][waiting, ever so patiently]
Yes, I know Raistlin and Ezzy were going to make a decision about a Shadow and Gaian treaty and sorts. To connect the two, and make one big area of land for them all to live at... Could you only play one of the two draclings? It's up to you, but I would prefer only one, of your choice. Let me know about anything else too... And what do you think of these two little dragons here??? I hate to say it, but I am playing him the exact way he should be... Oh well, let me know!!!

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