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Date Posted: 22:26:43 10/18/02 Fri
Author: Lost Darkness
Subject: |...:::|+|:::...|
In reply to: 'Taren 's message, "[revenge]" on 20:49:19 10/18/02 Fri

As his own body draws closer to her, a strange trill excites her dark form.
His touch awakens her from the strange state his presence shot her being into and she gazes down, dark optics alive with the light bouncing off his scales, as if he repeled the light, and she absorbed it.
Cavern is alive with the strange whisper of shadows as optics remain fixed on his own.
Mental words find her own active thoughts and she slows, to embrace them for longer.
What she wanted...
What did she want.
Several things, that was evident enough.
But at this very moment,
She wanted him.
She wanted his respect, his heart, his love.
In a fluid liquid like motion, dial sinks slightly and nose touches his.
She did not say his name, she breathed it.
So gently, so smoothly, as though it was a part of her.
As she wanted him to be.
Opens specific trail to her thoughts, focusing his mind on her current thoughts, so as not to break the silence, which was strangely dear to her.
Lowers ashen dial, resting it slightly on his silver neck.
Slightly intwined, she awaited a respond, optics siding shut as she focused on the movement of his blood, savering the pattern of gently throbbes.
And she waits...

Alright, well, would you like to have Bairavee and Raistlin create a treaty? As for the hatchlings, sure, and thanks. I'd probably prefer it if I could play the male, Ethra'kaal(wow I even know his first name! ^_^)I will need his stats though. What exactly do you mean by anything else? Gaia wise? Sorry, I'm tired, and I'm stuck going to this thing for debate at 8:30 tommorow, and thats a Saturday! I'm tramatized:P lol, these two draggies are quite the pair. Very very interesting. I can't wait til your next post! well, I should get to bed. Ttyl!

Luv ya!

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