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Date Posted: 04:36:30 08/05/00 Sat
Author: Drake
Subject: Welll...
In reply to: Mr. Phule 's message, "Eh, that was sarcasm, actually. I just didn't want people whining 'cause they didn't get the mew. jokes. ;-)" on 17:11:12 08/04/00 Fri

The tab is only up to $20.00 seeing how I never got that copy of D2 ;) and since I wasted my $11.00 on a clan that nobody really wants to start and didn't tell me until AFTER I invest my $6.00 an hour hard earned money on it.. ::sigh::
were just gonna shave off that $5.00 :)

Next time I see you I will have a $20.00 bill with your name on it. Im gonna take it out of the bank, and write C.J. on it so I know it's yours and wont spend it.

Also, I work at Blockuster.. I get free rentals, I have one this week, and will have 5 the next(monday). I doubt your still interested, but we carry the movie Dune. I know that was a long time ago, but hey, it's free, and I thought it was good. Hard to understand, but good.

I am mostly free during the week, Weekends are bad for me, becuase they are devoted to Dezi, whom I may only see during this time. Going from a relationship where we had not been apart for more the 24 hours in 6 months, except on 3 occasions, to a once a week type deal is hard. And I know all that long distance relationship crap and frankly I don't care, and could not be made to care. It's just one of those things nobody listens to, and it just has to be. Becuase were not going to break up just cuase were far away now. I know thats what you were thinkin I should do becuase it would prolly just be better that way. But it wouldn't, it may be so, but it's one of those things. ;)

Anywho, Im prolly getting more passionate about these subjects then I should, but seeing how it is 4:00 am in the morning, and I can't go to sleep, I am moody. So there.

And the fact that I missed the AUG in the clock(it came in black and white, I had to change them all to white and black for the page) is really annoying me, but I'm to reluctant to fix it knowing in the past few days this page has had 5 hits, 3 or 4 of which were me.

La de da.. ok, im going to sit here and rant on forever if I dont stop now, so yeah.


PS. I asked my manager for more hours, it wasnt untill after I asked that she told me she needed me for even more becuase she just fired some meathead or something, whom I had never worked with, but he came into the store one day, talked on the phone and he didnt say goodbye, he said peace... anywho, moral of the story is I will prolyy be even more busy, but what the hey, gato put myself through college. Not like DVC is expensive or anything, and I am living at home, but my parents income stop at DVC, after that the next few years of college are up to me.. ::sigh::

You are very blessed Phule, make no mistake of that.




Disclamer: I'm tired damnit!

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