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Date Posted: 10:43:22 08/05/00 Sat
Author: Mr. Phule
Subject: Re: Welll...
In reply to: Drake 's message, "Welll..." on 04:36:30 08/05/00 Sat

For the record, I did not, nor have I ever, stated or implied that I thought you two should break things off. Nor do I even believe that you should. My only concern was that you two understand how tricky the long-distance thing could be, and I wanted to warn you that that might just happen regardless of how hard you try, or how little you want it. All I'm saying is that the odds are heavily stacked up against you. Can you beat 'em? Well...as with anything else, there is only to wait and see.

And although I do realize that you two don't get much time together, understand that you and I can probably count on our fingers and toes the number of opportunities we'll have to hang out before I go off and start a career. After that, it's gonna be Thanksgivings and Christmases, and other major family events such as weddings and funerals. If you're serious about stickin' with Dezi, one weekend off will not kill you or do anything to jepordize your relationship, and personally, I think it's a damned small thing to ask. Just keep that in mind. I am so damn tired of being blown off by everyone soon as they get hooked up with someone, and if you really want to impress me, you'll show me that it doesn't always have to happen.

As for the webpage, well...this is why I laughed when I heard you'd gotten one. And don't worry about the counter, seeing as we don't yet have a clan. I mean, I checked it out, but unless things keep changing noticeably....

Just keep it up for now, and we'll see how the clan bit works out.

Otherwise, yea I'll see Dune. It seems like almost a crime not to. Also, Dune, in general, is hard to understand. Just try reading the books if you want to see for yourself. The first one is ok, but by book 4, I sometimes had to read a paragraph 4 or 5 times, and then I just gave up trying to understand it.

We'll see how the movie compares.

And maybe if the weekend thing doesn't work out, we can arrange a mid-week thing, though I'll be very tired from work, and will need to get in bed fairly early, so it will be a very...abbreviated occurance.

-Mr. Phule

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