Author: Dorjan
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Date Posted: 17:48:55 06/25/06 Sun
In reply to:
Kuro Maata
's message, "The Lady Has Returned" on 17:28:10 06/25/06 Sun
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.. The vampire lord was wandering the halls himself, a little bored in the smaller mansion (small compared to his full-time home). Although coming back had been ... interesting, it really hadn't kept his attention for as long as he would have thought. There simply wasn't enough stock left in the house to do much with right now. He'd need to go out searching for sellers soon, not wanting to take too many high-risks into the household so soon.
He was interested in getting a breeding program here fired up as well, but to do that he needed more stock as well. Perhaps he'd end up making his decision between the two male shifters sooner rather then later if only to get that moving along. Unless he could possibly find better shifter stock soon. ..
.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan .. gendered .. male .. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older .. born .. human, changed vampire .. creator .. Cale
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[> [> Subject: blood stained or tear stained?
Kuro Maata
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Date Posted: 18:45:23 06/26/06 Mon
A pause. So, the Master was up and about, as well. Kuro took the time to listen for his footsteps before heading in the opposite direction of her route. They were traveling the same path, and if both of them continued on the same route, neither Kuro or Dorjan would meet. It was pretty obvious.
Her limber limbs (hehe. "Ernie man. You made a joke. Good one." Sorry. Shark Tale joke) extended, retracted, extended again as the feline headed for a bend in the hall. "Master?" she called out, cautiously.
[ooc] ........[/end crappy post]
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[> [> [> Subject: .. What Do You Call Both? ..
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Date Posted: 18:52:20 06/26/06 Mon
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.. Dorjan sighed, coming around the corner to look at the shifter in her feline form. "Yeah?" He was informal, perhaps too bored for his own good, and certainly relaxed now that the household was back into a semblance of working order. Or something like that. At least, he could hope, right?
His mind was obviously on other things, and probably wanted to stay there as opposed to have a discussion with a certain shifter at this point in time. But he wasn't going to outwardly say that... yet. ..
.. dubbed .. Lord Dorjan .. gendered .. male .. aged .. believes he’s 300, is a great deal older .. born .. human, changed vampire .. creator .. Cale
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[> [> [> [> Subject: bloody tear stained, I guess...
Kuro Maata
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Date Posted: 20:45:29 06/26/06 Mon
So, he was distracted. Kuro didn't like being seconded. To anything. The feline moved to try and twine around his legs (rather than his ankles), if the other didn't take a step in any specific direction. "Master, come sit and relax. You have a lot on your mind, even I can tell."
Even Kuro knew that she was close to the line in that instant. If she pushed a little harder, her actions would be on the grounds for punishment. But, the shifter took a chance. The vampire looked as bored as she was.
"Perhaps we could discuss the future for the breeding program? I know that Master Gordon would be willing to lend a few males out. He's done it before."
Anything past that and Kuro was sure she was being rude. But, she sincerely wished the best of Dorjan. Not to mention the profitability for Master Gordon. Plus, she had heard of something of the equivalent of a shifter stud who had wandered into town by accident. And, if she knew Master Gordon (and Kuro knew him better than most), he would hunt this new stud down, break him, breed him once, then turn him over to someone else. Her old vampire Master was good with his "sharing is caring" motto. Oh, how she missed the ol' slave driver. Literally.
[ooc] *sigh* what else is there to say about the matter?
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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: .. If You Insist ..
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Date Posted: 09:38:25 06/27/06 Tue
(( *snicker* Sounds like you're setting up very nicely for your tiger shifter. XP And no layout because I'm at work during lunch ))
The vampire eyed her as she wound around his legs in a manner so much like a housecat. Gordon was indeed surpreme at breaking things, and Dorjan was more than willing to let his friend do the work if he was the one making the profit on this end of the deal.
He reached down to scratch at her ears in a mildly affectionate nature, though he didn't move to be seated. He wasn't one to take kindly to orders, or even strong suggestions.
"I've been thinking about that, actually. Koen would better match size for you, but Kyan would have a much higher ability of keeping the charming markings that you both share." He thought for a moment, then sighed. "What I need is more stock, plain and simple. Hayden needs to be bred as well, and as entertaining as hybrids are they don't sell for much and can't be used for much beyond pets and feed." He was obviously now mulling out loud, mind having wandered off as well.
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