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Subject: .-Unleash|.|The|.|Power|.|of|.|the|.|Sun|.| -growl back-

Solar Storm, the other nine planets, and Joker
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Date Posted: 08:01:54 01/18/03 Sat
In reply to: .panther. 's message, "-growls-" on 06:09:23 01/18/03 Sat

.stares right back at him, never relenting her gaze. She growled back at him. she showed respect for him. not the other one. she crouched submissivly, than got up and paced a few steps. then sat back down. her nine pups trotted after her. Earth and Mars stayed behind.Earth licked panther on the uzzle, showing he wished friendship, not hatred. Mars licked Saturns rings on the muzzle, showing he was sorry, but they all had been through alot latly. with coming here and all. Joker did his laugh-like howl, and they all lay down, watching the two brujo's, and seeing what they would do next.
ooc- oops. responded to the wrong message. i didnt mean to use the word kill. i meant bite or something. i dunno. im just sick of him trying to claim all the faes, and promised myself i would get my char to snarl and that other stuff at him if he was the first to ask. but i know he was just being nice....

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-soft to cold- ~Euhporius to acrtic~.panther.16:18:17 01/18/03 Sat

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