Subject: Meeting Wed. 8 pm |
Author: J Kosinski
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Date Posted: 09:26:17 09/02/02 Mon
I would also like for a meeting to take place. I would like to get more facts than I have already, and I think there are alot more things that should be common knowledge that haven't been posted on this message board, to my knowledge. Its likely that they are common knowledge, but that I myself arent aware of them. I understand that everyone else may be more aware of all of the facts than I am, as I havent gone to any of the other meetings and I dont spend that much time at the bldg.
It seems like the original excitement and fire is dying down now that there hasnt been an incident in a little while. It feels to me less likely now that something will happen, since the last week or so has been relatively quiet. Nowadays I am starting to worry more about my apt. itself when I am not there than I am about walking home, although I still keep my eyes open when walking home. Though I wouldnt blame anyone for not going, I hope that a bunch of people go. I, for one, will be there, even if it is only me, jenny, kaitlin, and ryan.
There is also the question of the petition for a police patrol on our corner. Apparently, if we can get 100 signatures, we can get a car posted permanently on our corner. 100 petitions is alot, and I dont know if we have 100 people, but we can maybe get some signatures from local business owners to augment our own. Even so, it would take EVERYONE to sign it PLUS the business owners in order to get 100. I think that local business owners would be happy to sign, as having a building full of white kids in their area can only be good for business.
So, kaitlin and ryan, ill see you on wed. at 8. Thanks for offering your apt. for the meeting.
At any rate, I hope that the original inspiration doesnt get drowned out by everyones daily business. I would be happier, and feel like my stuff and my girlfriend will be safer, if there was an extra police patrol on the block. This may be a better solution since it wouldnt cost george shit, as its obvious that he doesnt like to part with his $. I think that even a small measure of security will be helpful in this matter. Right now there really is little to stop someone who really wants to break into the building, and I dont want to wait for it to happen before something is done about it.
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