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Subject: Re: Cable TV

jeromie apt.23
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Date Posted: 16:23:37 09/16/02 Mon
In reply to: Renee 's message, "Cable TV" on 06:44:40 09/16/02 Mon

i had the same problems with 1-800-technostores!!!! i got so mad at them, i just canceled the whole thing!

it started with a defective receiver, then the second one had a problem with a satellite that (after 2.5 hours on the phone with dish network tech people) wouldn't work and i had to call the installers. then two months of 1-800 technostores making appointments and not showing up. then they finally showed up but wouldn't come in because of my dog (they had been in before and it wasn't a problem?!)... so i locked my dog in the bathroom for an entire day while i was at work and they no-showed me again!!!! that was all i could take. the best excuse i got was that they were waiting for a part to come in from california!!! they said they had called george and canceled the appointment... this was while george was on vacation for a month!!!

i also called and complained to the dish network... but it didn't do any good. in fact, my service never (not one minute of service) worked, but dish network still wanted me to pay like 60 dollars because it had been activated two months before i canceled the whole thing... i talked to two supervisors and finally some big manager before they erased the balance. talk about a hassle!!!

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[> Subject: Re: Cable TV

Billy and Sue
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Date Posted: 19:08:35 09/16/02 Mon

Do you guys have problems with the cable everytime it rains? My TV blanks out (searching for signal) everytime it rains, thunderstorms, etc. I don't know if it is my receiver or if its just the dish installation but we've tried calling the technostores guy to come check it out but they never did. All they did was send me a label to return the dish.

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