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Date Posted: 14:02:46 03/13/03 Thu
Author: Stuart
Subject: Well here goes...

hiya folks,

as seamus rightly says, we are here, large as life and just as smelly - i keep meaning to tell you all what weve been up to but there doesn't seem to be enough time in between eating, walking around, drinking beer, drinking cocktails, eating again, drinking more cocktails, eating more, chatting shit, sweating, eating more, drinking more beer, wandering around endlessly looking at things, chatting shit, smelling shit, eating - we are eating constantly, outrageously. we fall asleep as another dawn rises excited and exhausted before waking a few hours later, puffy faced and sweaty and hungry and doing it all again.

every time i sit down to write about it, before long i'm itching to be up and doing more, eating more, seeing more and drinking more. it's all so much fun, so busy and cluttered and vivid. so much is in your face, food smells, shit smells, people everywhere busy laughing and chatting and lying around and eating.

my first day was so long, i ended up so tired after the long journey during which i hadn't slept at all - despite my drinking a lot of vodka from nine in the morning in manchester airport, and then everywhere else that i got the chance. this mean't that when i was dropped out of my taxi on the khao san road more or less 24 hours later i was in a giddy but knackered mood, i wasn't due to meet up with seamus for another 3 hours so lo and behold i installed myself in the first bar that was open selling beer at that time in the morning and started to check out this mad new place that was so different and a bit intimidating to be thrown into in such a delicate state.

surprise surprise, by the time eleven came around and i had to meet seamus in another bar, things didn't go smoothly straight away. i found the bar we were supposed to meet in and found myself a chair - it was empty as it had just opened, and was quite dark - i sat down and immediately fell fast asleep, meaning that when seamus came in a few minutes later, he didn't see me at all and completely missed me, he waited around for a bit then wandered off to have a look for me. a little later i woke up, wondered why it was now 1:30 in the afternoon and where the fuck was seamus - i realised by now that i was seriously leathered already, and was now alone and barely able to function in the middle of bangkok.

but thank the fuck for the digital revolution - i dragged myself to an internet cafe to see if something had happened to seamus, maybe he hadn't been able to make his flight from sidney or something, but no, no message from him. i started to write a clumsy misspelt message saying - help, where are you, come and save me, when suddenly "you have new email", from seamus, sitting round the corner in another interent cafe. he had booked in somewhere and sent me his address, i printed it out and found him in his room about five minutes later by showing the address to people every 10 yards till i got there. i then manged to sober up a bit, for a while, untill i got my second wind and we went out adventuring.

now i'm a seasoned veteran 48 hours on, amused at my initial confused lost naive lamb routine. though i'm sure that to the locals and everyone else there is probably not much difference really. oh well, at least i don't look like i've just got here, by the time i hadn't shaved for about 4 days i was starting to look like a mad man from the hills. but all is much calmer now, we've even been quite organised already, sorting out our cambodia and vietnam visa's already, then we leave for the full moon party tommorrow, which is (after all that worrying and confusion) on the 17th, st patricks, so although we were thinking that we would have a little moretime to get down there, find a place and prepare, we will at least now make it on time - in fact with a day to spare - though that's assuming we ever see our passports again!

so, there's some of it, we are having fun and are safe and well so far - though last night we were walking along the kao san rd at about 5:30am, when it was mostly quiet - in fact all there was were some moody pissed off ladyboys looking for business, who had a half-hearted attempt to interest us in some fuckee fuckee, but as we only wanted to buy some beers from somewhere - (we seem to keep outlasting the various closing times in this twenty-four hour city) they lost interest in us quite qwickly, though i think one might have rubbed a breast on seamus's arms. i just say, 'sorry fella's, not interested' which seems to do the trick.

right that's enough for now, though i've not covered our sightseeing, nor our trip to buy weed, miles away across bangkok in a tuk-tuk, or all the food, or the heat or the mad women who clean the streets and look like something out of star wars and so on and so on - all i will say is that it is great here and we are having a funny amazing time - i know you all said i would but i never thought it would be like this, this good, this vivid.

thanks for the love you all showed me in my last day's there and the surprises and presents, which as seamus said we think is great - how smug were we listening to roni size blaring out, getting caned as bastards laying in our room with the big window overlooking a wat, in bangkok, all on our first night - it's great!

so take care all, as we are, and we will write more when we pause to catch our breath. we would love to hear from you all too, any tips or advice (eg. we would like to get some meth amphet. b4 tomorrow and don't know where to look yet, other than a south bangkok slum...so....)

love to you all,


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