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Date Posted: 09:09:53 03/24/03 Mon
Author: stuart
Subject: lost hours and banging tunes

hi again folks

well time moves on and so do we. we are now shacked up in a little hamlet on the island of koh samui called maenam. we came here to meet up with another ex-housemate of seamus's from sidney called shelly who's lovely and lives/works with her thai boyfriend in a jewellery/clothes shop. now we've been here for three days we are like locals, everyone says hello to us every time we walk up and down the street, all our movements are reported back to shelly by her friends on the street, but despite all this surveilance you'll all be pleased to hear that we are still managing to disgrace ourselves on a regular basis.

the night before last (saturday night of course) we all dressed up (long trousers and everything) and went into the main metropolis on the island, chaweng (not sure of the spelling but you prounounce it like they would in waynes world, schwing...) whilst we were there we got a bit drunk and agreed to come back the next night and dj and meet and greet in a bar run by another thai friend of shelly's called nan who is so funny. she loves to drink and was obviously a bit leathered when she asked us to come back as when we arrived last night she said she hadn't actually expected us to turn up. but we did armed with our banging cd's only to find that they didn't have a cd mixer, only decks. luckily they also had a load of records so i was in my element. nan kept pouring sambuca shots for us and loads of vodka redbulls, seamus swanned about talking to everyone and i whipped up a drunken storm on the decks, loving it.

after our two hour slot (they hadn't taken any risks with us, it was only the 8-10pm slot on a sunday night) nan took us off to a club where another of her friends works, a kind of ladyboy bar where they mime to classic cheesy songs. it was dead busy and packed but we got shown right to the front and chairs were found for us right in front of the stage, so we could put our drinks on it. we got put right in front of some arsey germans who were immediately pissed off with us getting in the way of their camera, which obviously made us piss ourselves laughing even more. at one point i slipped off to go for a piss, when i got back i was grabbed and taken up on the stage by some absolutely minging fat old man in a frock who was just finishing singing whitney houston, and sung the last few bars to me and then of course got a massive round of applause and cheering from the audience. i'm now a star, i'm getting the operation next week, i'm going to be made for life.

after that we went back to the bar where nan kept saying "more drunk, yes more drunk", she loves her drink that girl. so of course we had to oblige, after that things are a bit hazy, apparently we were the last ones left when the bar closed at two, it seems like we made it home ok as we woke up in our own beds but i have absolutely no memory whatsoever of how we managed it (and that includes the half hour taxi ride home, my god!). they even made me go back on the decks later, i think, seamus says i did so i must of, and they want us to go back every night and do it again we were that good.

today though, i think, i'm suffering my first hangover, which i would have been able to sleep off if we hadn't been woken up at some ridiculous time like 11oclock to go for breakfast, but it's ok, a quick joint sorted it all out. now we are having to think about where we are going to go next. maybe over to koh phi phi for a couple of days and then head north into the mountains, into opium territory. oh yes.

well, i hope you are all reading these messages, it's hard to tell cos none of you lazy bastards have left us any messages with your regards and wisdom, but i guess you are all too busy working hard and trying to stay warm etc. ha ha.

well i better go and find seamy, i think he's slunk back off to bed, or maybe he's gone for a swim. we have a lovely place where we are staying here with hot water and a fridge for our beer and it's right on the beach, but despite all that we've probably spent about 1/2 on the beach so far, unless you count the beach front restaurant that we keep going to for our dinner and singa beers. (did i say beach enough times for you there?)

you'll also be pleased to hear that we've managed to increase the number of krong thips we are smoking, they really are flavoursome fags, i'm thinking about bringing about 5000 home with me and obviously selling them to you all for a ridiculous profit. they cost us about 40p for a pack of twenty, it's great.

ok, we hope you are all well and not too cold and wet, it has rained a few times here, ridiculously heavy rain but warm and it only lasts for about 15 minutes. the one time we went on the beach it started to piss down so we bought some icecreams and waited it out. i would have liked to have stood in it cos it was so warm and refreshing but the locals looked at me like i was a complete nutter so i didn't bother.

ok i can feel myself starting to ramble now so i'll finish.

take care all

love stu

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