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Date Posted: 19:47:15 04/22/03 Tue
Author: Kate
Subject: Greetings from the beautiful south

Hello there my darlings

Apologies for being such a shit and not writing for ages but with or without you guys life goes on - and its dead busy!
So much sex and so little time :)
Things here in the sunny south are quite cool at the mo - I'm beginning to enjoy it a bit more - might be related to the amount of vodka I've been drinking lately.
Got a new job within Dixons - working on a special new style of store called xL (Stu I think I was telling you about it - the one in Cardiff) - has the potential to be quite exciting as we're opeing 5 more stores this year.
I've been going out quite a bit in the only pub with a late licence, O' Neils. To be honest its getting a little tiresome, maybe thats why I get so drunk - by the end of the most nights I feel like I could be anywhere.
Today at work was seriously humiliating as I was the top story from last Thursdays night out to "Batchwoods" only nightclub - where upon I decided I was gonna have the Senior Product Manager of PC's & Comms - I'm getting too good at this! didnt really think about the consequences at the time but there is now photographic evidence of me rolling around on the pavement outside with the poor guy!tee hee
Off to a cheesy hen night in London this weekend - apparently its full of date rapists - they won't be interested in me - no date required!
I'm back in Manchester in a couple of wks for the free Radio 1 concert and the lamb concert - should be well cool.
The only other things going on are that I'm about to embark on my new hobby of diving - that is if I don't find the whole experience too scary!
Gonna take up cello lessons too - again
Blimey - there aren't enough hours in the day!
Anyway - hope you delinquents are behaving yourselves.
Take care
Lots of love and hugs

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