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Date Posted: 07:51:01 05/06/03 Tue
Author: Stuart
Subject: Re: Greetings from the beautiful south
In reply to: Kate 's message, "Greetings from the beautiful south" on 19:47:15 04/22/03 Tue

hi kate,

good to hear from you, sorry i've taken so long to reply but we were in lao where the internet is expensive and the weed is cheap so i guess you can easily draw your own conclusions. still, things are all different now we are in vietnam where the internet seems the cheapest anywhere so far but no drugs yet boo hoo. still, it's still great and strange to be here, and so hot - i never thought vietnam would be so baking hot even at 9:00 in the morning. (yes thats right 9:00am, i was up already as the electricity on our road had gone off so the fans weren't working so i awoke in a pool of my own sweat, well i'm hoping it was sweat).

at the moment we are in hue halfway down the country, near the coast and just south of the old north/south border and the old demilitarized zone. over the next few days we will be immersed in war history whether we like it or not.

i'm glad to hear that you are still going at life hammer and tongs down there and still seeming to extract enjoyment from your work too which is amazing and good, that's a skill i'm definately going to aquire whe i arrive back home. (i must say, saying 'coming home' feels really strange still as i technically don't have a home as such, oh well these things are just details i suppose).

seamus and me are still intending to put up the accounts of our time in the north of thailand and our time in lao on this message board when we eventually get round to it, though there isn't really much to tell about lao as most of the days were pretty similar and tended to all blur into one long relaxed stoned day, i must say though that we are really missing already the fact that there were always people offering a variety of drugs to you everyday, whereever you went in lao, it was something we never tired of and sadly so far it seems all quite different here in vietnam, but we'll see.

anyway, i'm glad you have been visiting the message board, maybe that will inspire us to get round to catching you all up on our adventures, sometime, maybe.

lots of love
& seamus says a big hi

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