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Subject: Chapter 3

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Date Posted: 09:06:57 09/21/02 Sat
In reply to: Dee 's message, "Prologue" on 08:48:14 09/21/02 Sat

Title: Love and Hope
Author: Dee
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from “Passions” Soap Opera


Theresa felt 100% better after Whitney examined her. She hadn’t felt this good in weeks.

“Oh Mija, you look beautiful.” Pilar exclaimed as Theresa walked into the living room.

Pilar sat her down on the sofa, and walked behind her and began to brush her hair back into a ponytail.

“I feel beautiful mama. I wish…” Theresa began, but trailed off.

Rick loved when Theresa pulled her hair back into a ponytail. He always said it made her look young and lively.

She immediately went into a funk at the thought of her deceased husband.

“Terisita, you should feel beautiful because you are just that.” Pilar said tying a bow around her scrunchy.

Right at that moment Whitney came out of the room.

“Whitney thank you so much for this beautiful look on my sweet Terisita.”

“No problem Pilar. Once she washed up and brushed those pearly whites, she was all good.” She said buttoning up her coat once again.

Theresa stood up from the sofa and stretched her arms. “Yes thank you Whit, I feel much better.”

“I’m glad to hear it Theresa. Well, I will take these to the lab so I can run accurate tests, and I’ll give you the results when we meet for dinner tonight.”

“Dinner? Tonight?” Theresa said looking puzzled.

Whitney smiled. “Oh thank you, yes, I would love to go to dinner tonight.”

Theresa shook her head. “Oh no you don’t Dr. Russell. You can’t trick me into going anywhere tonight. I’m still not up to going out in public.”

“Oh Mija, please go. The fresh air will do you some good. And I would hate for you to waist this glow of yours by staying in this stuffy house.”

Theresa took in a deep breath. There was no way she could get out of this. She was out-numbered, two-one.

“Well, maybe getting out might not be so bad.” She said giving a loud sigh. “O.K. Whit, where are you taking me?”

“Ooh good! There is a new restaurant on Logo Boulevard. I believe it’s called “Shae’ Le-Rae.” A doctor friend of mine took his wife there last week for their 10th Wedding Anniversary. She loved it, and she still brags about it.”

“Well, should I meet you there, or will you pick me up?” Theresa said walking Whitney to the door.

“I’ll be here at 7:00PM O.K.?”

“That will be fine.” She said giving the doctor a hug.

“Cool.” Whitney exclaimed as she turned to leave.

“Hey Whit!” Theresa called, with the sound of joy leaping through her mouth.

“Yes!” Whitney said turning to her friend.

“Thank you.” She said in a whisper.

Whitney smiled at Theresa. She was happy to see the fire re-flaming in her eyes. This was the way it should be, she thought. And with a wink, Whitney turned on her heels and jumped in her car.


“Mr. Crane, Ms. Brigden is on line one. Shall I put you through?”

“Yes Amy please do.”

“Hi Candy, how are you this fine day.”

“Cut the crap Crane. Why did you stand me up the other night?”

“Oh did we have a date?”

“You know good and well we had a date. And I don’t like being stood up. Goodness Ethan, I don’t know if I can go through this bachelor attitude with you again. I give you the best sex, and this is how you repay me.”

“Candy, calm down. It’s too bad you feel like that. I don’t mean to hurt your feelings. Let me make it up to you.” Ethan said casually putting his feet up on his desk.

“I don’t know Ethan. I don’t even get an I’m sorry from you.”

Just at that moment, there was a knock at Candance’s door.

“Come in!” She yelled.

The first thing she saw as her guest entered the room was a bouquet of yellow roses. Her favorite flower.

Ethan was very quiet on the other end, but gave a sly smile.

Candance read the card from the flowers.

“My sweet Candy, please forgive this foolish, foolish man for not making our date. I am truly sorry, and would love to meet you tonight for dinner and dancing. With love, Ethan.”

“Oh Ethan, these are beautiful.” She said all choked up. “I’m sorry for assuming the worst. Will you forgive me?”

“There’s no need to Candance. Please say you’ll join me tonight for dinner.”

“Oh yes Ethan, I would love dinner tonight.”

“Well great! It’s a date then.”

And after hanging up the phone, he buzzed for Amy.

“Yes Mr. Crane.” She said entering the room.

“Thanks for the flowers. I completely forgot about that damn date I made with her. What would I do without you?”

“You don’t want to know Mr. Crane.” She said with a chuckle.

As Amy began to walk out, Ethan asked her to make a reservation for two tonight. But before he could finish Amy told him that he had reservations for two at Shae’ Le-Rae restaurant tonight at 7:30PM.

Ethan smiled at the efficiency of his personal assistant. She truly was a gem.

“Oh Amy one more thing before you go.”

“I’ve already taken care of that Mr. Crane.”

Ethan looked confused.

“Vanessa received her flowers a few minutes ago as well, and you will be having dinner with her tomorrow night.” And she closed the door behind her leaving Ethan in awe.


End Chapter 3

Read Chapter 4

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Chapter 4Dee09:11:40 09/21/02 Sat

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