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Shadows of happier times -- Daughter of Light, 19:31:07 04/30/03 Wed
"It's good to meet you, Soldiers, if I may call you that," the pleasant palomino responded lightly, not inflecting her voice with the question. In the brief silence that followed, she glanced at the surroundings curiously, but her attention again returned to the male before her. Her mate? A whisper of a smile crossed her eyes as the name is spoken aloud, a faint reflection of the memories of things as they had been before. But recently, one or the other of them had always been away; she had not seen her valiant steed in many weeks. Her vision regains its clarity suddenly as she returns to the present, to the stallion being quite civil to her. "He is my mate," she answers, but shakes her head. "But I don't think he is aware I am captive. He is away, you see." Dipping her cream-laced head in thought, the mare shifts her musing to a different subject. "So why did you sneak me?" she inquires poignantly. The question was foreign even in her own mind; she had never dreamed of asking such a blunt inquiry. But she was curious, and supposed she had a right to know. Ignorant of his growing affection, she looks away after asking; it did not seem to be a polite question, but she could not retrieve it.
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. iNdEeD . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 02:09:37 05/02/03 Fri