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Date Posted: 20:28:46 04/26/03 Sat
Author: Jesar
Subject: Gotta run!
In reply to: Daughter of Light 's message, "A strange sense of sympathy" on 19:29:18 04/26/03 Sat

He looks toward her outstretched muzzle with disinterest, not reaching out in return. But something beyond her caught his eye, and his pulse quickened. Dark charcoal grey, short, beautiful... IT WAS BRUSHY! His heart leapt, and so did he, clear over DOL's head with a loud grunt. His giant wings unfurled, and he half flew half fell over to his beloved, his other half.

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[> [> [> [> . GeT . . lOsT . . kId . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 02:57:28 04/27/03 Sun

Mahogan boar quickly moves into the terrain, he had not been gone long but it seemed as if it was forever. He quickly moves into the sight of his captive. Well, she had arrived, even ahead of him, but that had no matter.

Well then, it's good to see that you have made it here. Well then, enjoy your stay, if you can?

Cold, emotionless eyes look at her, yet they soften at her appearance. Maybe, no, it could never happen. It is forbiddon and never was to show it's ugly face here. But as he looks at her, he finds something new. It couldn't be, he quickly turns away from her.
I am a warrior, a blood thirsty beast by the name of Dog Soldiers. My curse is one only identified as Boar. My designated scars lay upon this bloody hide of Mahogan. My existence is only seen within the expanse of No Where. The section of my dwelling may be seen within the Dark Lands. Let my up most devotion go to the one by the calling of No One. Let these gremlins pay more respect to me than themselves, None.

[© text, image, ect all copyright 2003 to skullz (lauren)]

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[> [> [> [> [> Remembrance, delayed, and recognition -- Daughter of Light, 18:26:44 04/28/03 Mon

As the youth scampered away, the mare suddenly placed her recognition. Lavaterra's son. It had been long since she had last seen Lava... Jesar had been no more than a tiny colt. Did the mare remember? Was she well? She shook away the thoughts as the cause of his flight approaches. She inclined her head respectfully, holding his gaze thoughtfully. When the ice in it began to melt, the delicate damsel raised her head, remaining carefully neutral. The burgandy brute had stolen her from her family and home, but she could not fault him for his nature. Deciding to give him a fair chance, she replied amiably, "I shall try to enjoy my time here, if you would permit it." Upon a realization, she tilted her head slightly, cream tassel falling to one side. "I don't believe I caught your name..." she remarked in inquiry.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> . i . . DoN't . . KnOw . . WhAt . . To . . ThInK . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 02:34:22 04/29/03 Tue

My name is Dog Soldiers. Permission granted.

He wasn't the type to talk to these disgusting creatures, but it happened that his sister was one of them. Yet as he looked upon this one, he saw something different, something he had never seen before. He dared not to say it, but something became quite clear to him. He would never mention it, it would disgrace him.

So, your mate's probably worried sick about you. Steel Dream, that is if he is your mate?
I am a warrior, a blood thirsty beast by the name of Dog Soldiers. My curse is one only identified as Boar. My designated scars lay upon this bloody hide of Mahogan. My existence is only seen within the expanse of No Where. The section of my dwelling may be seen within the Dark Lands. Let my up most devotion go to the one by the calling of No One. Let these gremlins pay more respect to me than themselves, None.

[© text, image, ect all copyright 2003 to skullz (lauren)]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Shadows of happier times -- Daughter of Light, 19:31:07 04/30/03 Wed

"It's good to meet you, Soldiers, if I may call you that," the pleasant palomino responded lightly, not inflecting her voice with the question. In the brief silence that followed, she glanced at the surroundings curiously, but her attention again returned to the male before her. Her mate? A whisper of a smile crossed her eyes as the name is spoken aloud, a faint reflection of the memories of things as they had been before. But recently, one or the other of them had always been away; she had not seen her valiant steed in many weeks. Her vision regains its clarity suddenly as she returns to the present, to the stallion being quite civil to her. "He is my mate," she answers, but shakes her head. "But I don't think he is aware I am captive. He is away, you see." Dipping her cream-laced head in thought, the mare shifts her musing to a different subject. "So why did you sneak me?" she inquires poignantly. The question was foreign even in her own mind; she had never dreamed of asking such a blunt inquiry. But she was curious, and supposed she had a right to know. Ignorant of his growing affection, she looks away after asking; it did not seem to be a polite question, but she could not retrieve it.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> . iNdEeD . -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 02:09:37 05/02/03 Fri

Hmph, some mate he is, doesn't show when you need him to most. Isn't that something you would atleast expect from him.

Mahogan boar slowly begins to pace along a single strip of land. Head is held at medium height, while ebon tail is flicked upon scared haunches. He slowly looks over to the former queen. She was just standing there. He slowly moves over to her, his face not to far away.

Would you expect your mate to be there when yuo were in such a termoil like this. I would. But then again, I'm not you.
I am a warrior, a blood thirsty beast by the name of Dog Soldiers. My curse is one only identified as Boar. My designated scars lay upon this bloody hide of Mahogan. My existence is only seen within the expanse of No Where. The section of my dwelling may be seen within the Dark Lands. Let my up most devotion go to the one by the calling of No One. Let these gremlins pay more respect to me than themselves, None.

[© text, image, ect all copyright 2003 to skullz (lauren)]

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Expectations are not as they seem -- Daughter of Light, 12:38:39 05/03/03 Sat

"But as you said, you are not me," mare responded evenly, twitching her ears away with forced disinterest. "And this, by far, has been the least of my turmoil." Her own banner brushed an unblemished hide; her physical scars had long disappeared by the natural resilience of her power. Her scars were on her heart. When he ceased his own movement and stood near her, uncomfortably near, something inside her shied and she stepped away with measured grace. The dancing damsel grew restless with her confinement, and he had ignored her question. Harsher this time, she turned her steady gaze back to his. "What do you wish of me as your captive? Ask, and in my ability it shall be done, that I may return to my home and family."

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> *~No Need for Dark Skies~* -- Starlight, 13:23:27 05/03/03 Sat

Golden hued mare heavy in her pregnancy made her way into the dark territory. Murky ooids were cast casually about until she had spotted the one in which she searched. Pillars carried petite form to stand near the mare disdainful glance cast at the stallion. Thorns perked as mug opened allowing soft voice to be heard.

DOL you may return home now I have succesful snuck you back.

Belle's sweet voice sounded out dial dipped slightly. Silvery fores danced lightly eager to return to her home and mate. She would not though until she was sure the one dubbed Dog Soldier would not make a fuss about the completed sneak. Delicate nasal flared just so allowing her to breath in unfamilar scents. Pools turned about her curiosity mounting about a place she had never seen. Attention was snapped back to the two quickly forgetting the situation for a moment. Milky banner swept gently agaisnt hocks as she waited patiently.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> The heart leaps higher than the mind -- Daughter of Light, 16:40:53 05/03/03 Sat

She watched quietly as the similarly colored mare ingresses into the terrain; something was familiar about her. A smile spread across her face as a couple of years fell away in DOL's eyes: she knew this one as a filly. Returning to the present, she gave a start at the words. Successful sneak? Her heart lept in her throat with hope at the words, and gratitude brightened her sparkling eyes.

In the meantime, however, her player wandered away to curiously check the sneak board. Yes, it appeared to be valid; proper format, not legally stopped. Upon returning to the territory board, however, a slight feeling of dismay crossed her. There was only one alpha, no backups, and two betas. Wrinkling her nose, she checked the activity status of the three. The alpha was here, one beta was gone, and one beta had an excused absense. Not good. Hesitantly, she spoke up. "Um... problem. I don't know if it's fair... there was only one person to stop the sneak, and with the usual heirarchy not in place, Dog Soldiers would be the next logical person able to stop it... As much as I want to blame Devil's Mountain for not having the positions adequately filled, and as much as DOL wants to be home... I think the stop is legal. What do you guys think?"

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> OOC: -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 19:40:44 05/03/03 Sat

DS stopped it within 96 hours, if I hadn't stopped it yesterday it would of been successful. I don't know what you think but that's what I think.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Hm.. -- Starlight/Riley, 19:56:48 05/03/03 Sat

Golden hued mare sees the recognition within the older fem.'s orbs. Smile alights upon her lips dial is dipped slightly once more. Good to see you again. I do hope that we can get out of all the red tape. She smiled using one of her players favorite sayings.

Garg! Well tis true that they are inactive I suppose but that means that True Evil could have stopped it. As well as Deepest Desire who is active. The rules do state if there are not enough filled position True Evil may discontinue the sneak. Therefore I believe that it is still valid.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Well -- . d0g . . s0ldiers ., 20:19:13 05/03/03 Sat

And also, True Evil is int he middle of a challenge with Big Brother. Also, as her captor I believe that he should be able to stop it. It's been done before.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Feeling awfully bad. -- Dy & Deepest Desire, 21:03:43 05/03/03 Sat

Hm...I had thought that the captor could stop a sneak, but then again, the last time I visited the sneak board was probably close to two years ago [took me ten seconds to figure out where it was...] Dog Soldier - I'm sorry for not being a very good Lead and checking the Sneak Board more often. DOL - I think you're free to go ... depends on your version of the rules though. I know it doesn't say anything at the SB about captors stopping sneaks, but as DS, I'm sure it's been done before.

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