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Date Posted: 06:01:34 12/07/02 Sat
Author: JM
Subject: No, but. . . . (spoilers for Was Stories)
In reply to: liz 's message, "Does anyone do transcripts of firefly?" on 00:15:24 12/07/02 Sat

I can describe it. When the crew goes in for the showdown, Book, Simon, and Kaylee are left to guard the entrance, and then secure the retreat, which they do with varying degrees of efficacy. Book gives them the order to shoot at anything that moves (and he really seems quite good at this job). Simon fires but probably doesn't hit anyone. Kaylee, loses her nerve once the shooting back starts and retreats a few steps back into Serenity. River comes up behind her, picks up the gun she dropped, kind of looks away or at the floor, and proceeds to pick off the remaining three shooters with three shots. Then she blandly repeats Kaylee's line back to her, from earlier when they were playing apple tag, "Nothing in the verse can stop me." Then she walks off. Pretty sure no one but Kaylee saw what she did. Gives us some more clues about what the academy may have been trying to create. Plus it was pretty cool.

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