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Date Posted: 18:40:25 12/10/02 Tue
Author: AurraSing
Subject: Jayne the tarnished angel.....great post, btw!
In reply to: fresne 's message, "How Shun Yu missed the point and other stories" on 17:32:18 12/10/02 Tue

Wonderful points made about the characters and how they are evolving.

I've gone over the the main Firefly board to skim the posts made after "War Stories" and the conclusion I came to is that some individuals are going to react badly if their taboos get touched and nothing you, I or the rest of fandom can change their minds about it.Was the Inara/Councillor scene important? Yes, because it helped illuminate another dynamic of several of the Serenity's crew and approached it in both an amusing way...by taking the preconcieved notion of her clientele and twisting it 180 degrees. My kids don't watch Firefly (they watch Buffy) but that scene had nothing in it that either I or my kids would find objectionable but then around here we believe that love or affection between individuals is a wonderful thing,to be cherished at all times. And in some households,that simply is not the case,though why they would be complaining about their kids (or themselves) watching this scene and not about the fairly graphic torture scenes is beyond me.(Despite the fact we had clear hints in the past that Inara works with both women and men,some fans seemed to want to ignore that point.But the excesses of Niska were mostly condoned by lack of an outburst regarding the carving/stabbing/etc...???)

But back to Jayne.Lately I've been pondering his status within the crew and some of the visuals we have had regarding him. What I'm referring to are the scenes from "The Train Job" and "Safe" where Jayne is dangled down from the ship,weapon cocked,like some tarnished angel out to wreak justice. And the fact he was nearly worshipped in "Jaynestown",where a mudder literally gave his life to save Jayne from death. What does this mean? Is there something about Jayne that is deeper than the blustery and conniving weapons-master I've gradually come to like? Just as much has been made by the various times we have seen Spike in crucifixion-type poses,I'm wondering if Jayne's descent from the heavens has more to it than meets the eye.

Any thoughts?

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