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Date Posted: 17:32:18 12/10/02 Tue
Author: fresne
Subject: How Shun Yu missed the point and other stories

You know I’d start with a poem, but my Titus Andronicus isn’t quite what it should be.

Knowing yourself. How others know you. Gosh, didn’t I just write something something something for the last BtVS episode on this score. Of course. Always.

A story. A curling slashing line of black ink dividing waiting paper. The journey through time of individuals. The line. The dimensionality, the 3-D rise and fall and rise and rise of it, is how those individuals respond to what occurs. In a great story, the dimensions deepen and shade the more we learn of the past. The more the past fills in with the future. The more we peel away at River’s Russian doll drawings to get to the real you.

Because I suppose the other yous were fake. Or not. Perhaps, as I always argue they are aspects of the whole. Some being affectations like a black mustache. All the better to twirl while doing crime.

Mal’s easy smile hiding the mad determination to protect his people. The preacher with his secrets. The Companion. Even as she complimented the Councilor, I wondered, is Innara a reliable narrator? Is she just saying what the Councilor wants to hear? Needs to hear, so the Councilor can be herself. Relaxed. Or is Innara revealing an essential truth? Letting down a barrier a little. Perhaps it’s both. Revealing in order to conceal.

Wandering the boards, it’s interesting to see some of frofragh about Innara and the Councilor. Good idea versus Suicidal storytelling. Fresne pivots to the left and says, contextually irrelevant. That’s not part of my analysis. To my mind, the scene is there because it is directly relevant to the theme of the episode and is in direct opposition to Niska’s argument. Connection coming not through adversity/experience inflicted, but adversity/experience shared. Mal and Zoe are comfortable together because she trust him. They have a history together. Together they went to gaze into the volcano. And they came back to tell the tale.

When you are with people who know, who share some common thing, like being a woman, or a man, or a sharing a history, or whatever, barriers can drop. All of a sudden, certain things don’t have to be explained.

At opposite ends, we have two people looking for true natures. Niksa, who tortures with a smile. People in their place. Business running smoothly. Gazing from across the abyss, River attempts to stand. River, who was tortured. Stripped of her barriers. Chaos floods in.

It seems to me that if two men go to the lip of a volcano. The one being pushed into the flames learns just as much as the man doing the pushing. Or better yet, the Cask of Amontillado. In that moment of being bricked into the wall, Fortunato learns far more about Montressor than all of his previous years of knowing. In torturing those who cross him, Niska mimes at desiring to know his victim’s true nature, but what he’s really attempting to define is his own.

See me. I am the monster than men fear. I am great. I am powerful.

River wants to be a girl, but never will be again. For awhile each day, the sun that she danced under in Safe comes out, but then the sun grows dark and the chaos is come again. Like apples that carry death, the fruit comes up in bits. She is fortunate at least that she has a brother to trust. Who will always see her as his beautiful Mei Mei. Throw up on his bed and it’s only confirmation. Yup, that’s his sister. It’s there in her smile. Even if she does not know herself, Simon will know her. Know the girl that she was. Will love the person that that girl has become.

So many people have seen so many things in River’s repetition of Kayee’s line. To me her smile was shy. As if to say, I’ve revealed a little bit of myself to you. The hidden part that isn’t trees and unicorns and rainbows. Do you still love me? Sadly at this point, Kaylee and River’s relationship is superficial. Two laughing girls. Kaylee, of all of them, has the least experience with the bitter taste of tainted fruit. I bet he brings her flowers. A dreamer is our Kaylee. However, she had the misfortune to leave her world and take up ship into the Jossverse. Where things rarely stay shiny.

In upcoming episodes, we’ll see how Kaylee deals with her new self knowledge. Her knowledge of previously held conceptions of others. Will she judge herself for failing to live up to some previously held ideal of self? Will she be able to adjust to her know vision of River, this slight damaged girl? How will it affect how she relates to Simon? All I can be sure of in a Joss story is that things will change.

Then we have so recently betraying Jayne, giving his crewmates fruit. So, unexpected a gesture that it causes unease rather than any sort of connection. Then again it’s a guilt thing. More usefully real when he joins the group to rescue the Captain. Their Captain, my Captain. (yes, I do realize the irony of the quote). Contrasted to the repetition of Jayne alone in his bunk. Yes, it’s crude and fairly funny, but also essentially sad. For some reason the whole heading for this bunk, Jayne get your gun sequence makes me think of that scene in Grosse Pointe Blanke where the main character looks at himself in the mirror, loads his gun and says, “This is me breathing.” Not sure why, so we’ll resolve with Zoe and Wash.

There are a couple of points where Zoe and Wash fail to connect in the episode. Her lie about her opinion of Wash’s idea. His incomprehension of Zoe and Mal’s bond. Barriers that wear away a bit as the episode progresses.

Wash both looses a little shiny-ness in this episode and comes to new level of understanding of his wife. Of Mal. Of war stories. Of himself. That he is one of those who does not leave anyone behind. Part of unisex suicide team. Zoe and Wash showing each other that they can be trusted. Making their own history. That they are a suicide team that will be in their bunk thank you very much.

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