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Date Posted: 17:41:54 05/12/04 Wed
Author: Shifter
Subject: -|Bravo, young shifter|-
In reply to: Silent Danger 's message, "Been sick - sorry" on 17:13:43 05/12/04 Wed

The Shifter was pleased and echoed this pleasure in a piercing cry at could have shattered the heavens like glass. Talons like swords curled menacingly as he picked up speed and rose higher still above the young one. Wings arch slightly and the black eagle is released forward like an arrow from Death’s bow. Test one was completed. His swift movements, however, demanded the young one for more. The winged shadow dove for the dusty earth, screeching out a blood-stilling war cry, and pulling up only a foot from the loam. Shadows consumed him once more and the form of a noble black stag was taken. It was the nimblest of all creatures. Sea globes glance briefly at the young one before swift soles carry him forth into the thick woods. One would have to be quick to keep up and sharp to weave around the trees.

The Shifter was there. Then he wasn’t.

[Tis ok. Hope you're better]

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