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Date Posted: 19:39:58 05/12/04 Wed
Author: Silent Danger
Subject: {] Forget the Dawn [}
In reply to: Shifter 's message, "-|Bravo, young shifter|-" on 17:41:54 05/12/04 Wed

The falconed pup watched , sharp eyes catching the shadow's movements perfectly, he hovered and waited, then, as the Shifter looked to him he seered forward, wings arced and pushing him forward, as he goes close to the ground, he played a game with himself to see if he could catch the master. As he pulled himself into altitude again he circled the forest until the smallest change of a shadow caught his pearls, then he divedinto the trees. Know what you need and become it. he whispered once more and felt the ground pulsing beneath him, the steady beat of a stallion filled his ears. He knew this form well and was used to shifting into it. Gaining control of the odd vision he galloped forward, breath visible in the air as he ran. His bronze orbs searched for the slip of a shadow once more. The trees blinded him partially, but he would manage. Become it. he whispered, and he again was the falcon, soaring amid the trees, looking for the lost shadow. Catching sight of the moving vision again he took the chance of the form the Shifter had taken. Now Once again the steady pulse and thrum of hooves of earth reached him as his flight diminished. He would have cried out or laughed had he not have just seen the shadows moving again. He charged forward, keeping the sometimes visible shadow in view.

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