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Date Posted: 18:08:54 05/16/04 Sun
Author: Adrian
Subject: I just might keep my mouth shut.
In reply to: marty 's message, "Testing to see if it'll let me post.." on 17:56:57 05/16/04 Sun

Hearing the sound of his name, the thoroughbred tilted his head in the direction of the approaching black. He grinned lopsidedly. Perhaps the two would have to go and round up some nice Light mares.. Wouldn't that be fun? But no. Dagger was already preoccupied by one particular female. Adrian didn't believe in that stuff, one mare one stallion. Bunch of crap. Who cared. The auburn casually shifted his weight.


It was a standard "pal" greeting. A male buddy type thing. Adrian refused to think of himself as "higher" than Dagger's Rebellion, ever. Now Dag, himself, was the King, an odd twist yet one quite welcomed by the bay stallion. It's great not having to choose sides. A black-tinged ear turned as Firelight pulled close. Damn, she sure was a ray of sunlight.. That was meant to be funny. His body position was defiant, and his dark brown eyes stared at the Evil Queen with lazy coolness.

"I don't think insulting me would be wise at this juncture in your career."

His voice was sarcastic, soft, and informing. It was meant to irritate. Adrian was challenging her. It couldn't be clearly seen in the perfectly-at-ease way he stood. No, it seemed as if he couldn't care less about anything. But the rebel's eyes told a different story. Let her yell and disapprove, he'd never back down. Friend or not, the stallion aimed to make a fool out of Firelight, right in front of the entire territory.

(yay it worked..)

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