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Date Posted: 21:03:51 05/16/04 Sun
Author: Firelight
Subject: //that. would. be. wise.\\
In reply to: Adrian 's message, "I just might keep my mouth shut." on 18:08:54 05/16/04 Sun

She ground her teeth watching the bay stag, fury unhidden in her eyes at his words. This juncture in her career? Did he think she was afraid of him or something. That is if she was rude he would do something back at her. She worked herself up into a fine stance. Steel coils bound up tight, as if she was preparing for a physical battle. Then like a wave she relaxed, a slow smirk falling over her charcoal lips. She wouldn't be drawn that easily into whatever game it seemed he was at.

"Oh really? And are you going to share reasoning for this?"

She set back easily on her hip looking over the steed. She trusted him, watched him, and learned how he fought. Every career movement he had made impressed her. So naturally he did scare her a bit in what he said. What was Adrian up to exactly? She hadn't a flippin clue, but the soft sarcasm had alerted her to SOME kind of challenge. But she wasn't sure what he was challenging her for. She watched him carefully now, as she always had. Though it might not do any good, depending on how open the beast was going to be.

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