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Date Posted: 15:04:45 05/30/04 Sun
Author: Firelight
Subject: [2nd part of post]
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "[1st part of post]" on 15:03:03 05/30/04 Sun

"I do say so, I'm probably right to usually am."

That was stupid, she thought to herself. She had to take a breath before forcing sounds from her muzzle. They were cocky and meant to be so. The words really meant nothing but were there to provide a front for her to get herself under control. She was having some trouble beating down her wild instincts, which begged to take control of the vixen's body. Her crazed tail movements calmed, now only occasionally flickering at her sooty hocks. Muscles she realized were pulled taunt 'neath her glossy hide and she forced herself to relax. Don't give in; you can't let him win like this. There that was it, she couldn't lose and holding that thought she took more control. She wasn’t sure what to do now. Standing here like this for too long might break what little control she had now gained over herself. She should step back to create some distance but she couldn’t force herself to, it would be like retreating. And once she got into something she wasn’t about to lose any ground already gained.

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