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Date Posted: 15:03:03 05/30/04 Sun
Author: Firelight
Subject: [1st part of post]
In reply to: Het Vuur 's message, "† Fuego Animado †" on 13:38:27 05/30/04 Sun

[Ugh.. it's doing it to me again. Not letting me post a long post.]

The darkened minx was already twitchy from to much time spent standing in idle conversation with other equine. The emotions, which seemed to hold the brute captive, were very much like a virus one which Firelight caught onto. Her own blood pounded through the channels inside her like wildfire. Was it the thrill of battle or something more she wasn't for sure?

The scent of the czar was at present burning against her coral lined nasal cavities as he moved closer. She was unused to such dealings and the conflict of what to do next was battling within her. The wild instincts inbreed to her being said let things happen it seemed he wanted. But her mind battled that reminding her of her mate, her duties to the Evil equine. She was still a horse, and a female, and this was a male standing close to her and she had a guess at what he wanted. Her own self-control was slipping and she was playing a daring game.

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