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Date Posted: 20:54:21 06/04/04 Fri
Author: Het Vuur
Subject: † Fuego Animado †
In reply to: jaws 's message, "unsafe waters" on 18:55:41 06/04/04 Fri

† From the moment the pallid stag's lyrics had slid out of his unworthy throat Het Vuur could sense what he had in mind. Or at least, hoped to have in mind. Het Vuur was not going to let that happen, especially when he could see the fear in Firelight's eyes. Obviously the small stallion had been harrassing her, whether physically or verbally. Displeasure crossed the titan's features and he blew out harshly, letting the now wet blood around his nostrils spray into the air. He gave no other notion that he had noticed it was raining; truthfully, he loved storms and would would second them only to his love of battle. His gaze lingered on the queen and he felt his want for her return, though he kept control of himself. He would save energy for whatever was needed in the next few minutes. Who knew? Maybe a fight would be started.. He had to try hard to keep a smirk from sneaking up onto his mug at that thought; would the ivory tiercel before him realize he was outmatched? In a way he hoped not, for it would please him greatly to be able to beat the brains out of this little roach, especially in front of Firelight.

He flicked a lobe back, irritated at the smaller steed, and let his bass voice slide out in an angry rumble. "Party pooper?" He rose a brow, looking suspicious, though he knew the exact answer to his own question. He was going to play dumb, however, and see what the alabaster sahib's reply was. Judgment was needed, for it was always smart to size the other up and realize their weaknesses and strengths before anything.. er.. physical happened. "What sort of party were you planning, boy? It's not really party weather, now is it?" He cleared his throat painfully, for he had been nearly having to yell to be heard over the torrent of rain. Then, before the other could reply, he added hastily, "And before you so immaturely say, 'it's none of your business' or something just as vague, let me tell you that I will find out. So it would be easier to just tell me. Besides, we wouldn't want anyone getting hurt, now would we?" Sarcasm dripped from his last words, and then he smiled, amused at how futile the pale stallion's attempts would be at getting out of this untouched. †

[Er.. ok.. I wonder why it's not working. I think something's just wrong with your computer, lol. All those problems aren't exactly normal..
Btw--sorry for the short post.]

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