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Date Posted: 22:07:39 06/07/04 Mon
Author: Sati
Subject: .:Turn up the music, angel, and don't step on my toes:.
In reply to: Devil 's message, "Time to dance with the devil" on 10:41:43 06/07/04 Mon

With the infernal itching finally abating, the alabaster and ebony splashed mare stepped away from the tree. She stretched out her neck and shook her head, working the kinks out. Snowy white and ink-stained tassels flipped every which way over her sleek neck, giving her a rather touseled appearance. Her wild forelock settled in its usual place directly between the Vanner's eyes, adding to the disheveled effect. Sleepy brown eyes caught the Friesian watching her. So, he found her amusing, eh? Well, she'd give him a show. Wrinkling her nose and snorting, she performed the equine version of a raspberry. Weren't expecting that, were ya, angel?

All childish antics aside, the Gypsy was growing bored. If her new little torture toy refused to be intimidated, then she'd have to find easier quarry. But the idea of being a thorn in the strutting stallion's side flickered at the edge of her mind. Everybody needed a hobby, right?

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