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Date Posted: 16:22:29 06/08/04 Tue
Author: Firelight
Subject: //what goes up\\
In reply to: Annointed Nothing 's message, "Darkness Rising" on 15:49:34 06/08/04 Tue

Blackened tufts swiveled to meet the sounds given off by the mascu. Equally tinted muzzle is shaken freeing the leftover bits of greenery present. Can't go around talking to people with food in your mouth eh? Optics rove over the features and form of the hellion. He was vaguely familiar perhaps she had seen him in the Council meeting. Yes, that must be it now that she further contemplated before comprehending his tunes. "'Lo" she called back coolly unsure of who he was really or what he might want. Everyone wanted something it seemed these days. And she was only willing to give what she would get back in someway or another. "You seek me out for a particular reason I'm guessing." Her tone was slightly questioning but fairly sure of herself. Single aud flipped forward to the stag the other roaming the surrounding ever wary.

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