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Date Posted: 01:15:45 06/11/04 Fri
Author: Annointed Nothing
Subject: Breaking Down

The picturesque embodiment of sheer mayhem; the devil's advocate, you might say. Corruption, displeasure, an endless labyrinth of mindless chaos and unimaginable pain. This hell-bound beast would easily find his way into any of the above categories. All he needed was one chance; one tiny break in the wall of monotony, and he would prove his worth. This, all this, the standing around waiting for nothing was enough to drive anyone crazy, without mentioning this bay hellion. He would show them. He would show all of them. What exactly he would show them he was not yet sure of. It was the mere concept of intangible boredom...something needed to change. But what? Yes, his ineviteable victory over Dark Angel and Devil would be enough to break the metaphorical ice, but then what? They were easy prey; he wanted a challenge. The eventual raid of the Lights, for sure, but when? What could he do to show that he was a necessity to the Evil cause?

Pools swivel wildly as the barren landscape known otherwise as Dark Evergreens is intaken. Chiseled crane weaves in an attempt to better his field of view. The fiery mane of the crimson bruja dances as it is caught by a brief zephyr. He was a handsome stag, not incredibly so, but attractive by all standards. His sleek Arabian form made for a flawless silhouette against the rising sun. The entirity of his muscular bod shifts impatiently as his silky banner thwarts the few insect pests that accompany the daybreak. Years of combat and conditioning had driven the virile into a state of physical perfection, despite his many mental and emotional flaws. After the first blood he had ever drawn, he could not get enough. His hunger for bloodshed and his thirst for carnage had taken over for a time, though he had, recently, returned to at least a somewhat stable state of mind. Dial is given a slight toss as he gazes upon the rest of the territory's many inhabitants arise from their beauty sleep.

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