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Date Posted: 15:39:35 06/13/04 Sun
Author: Het Vuur
Subject: † Fuego Animado †
In reply to: Firelight 's message, "//back again\\" on 00:42:43 06/13/04 Sun

[Heheh.. thanks. My muse is pretty much dead as well.. It might be a while before it comes back, too. Btw--good luck with the raid! (Don't worry, Het's still coming lol)]

† He quickly stood up at Firelight's touch, but could not help a little pleasant chill going down his spine. He eyed (or maybe it could have been called a glare) her and stood defiant, determined not to make himself look even more like a weakling. Shaking out his mane, which caused more blood to fly about, he then stomped the ground agitatedly and answered with a growl. "None of your business." True, he felt a little elated that she showed compassion for him, but possibly she did this only because he was injured. He doubted she would be doing it at any other time. And besides, he had had far worse injuries than this and had survived. Who was to say he needed sympathy now?

Flaring his nostrils and furrowing his brow, he also felt a little angry that she still had dark.shadow, and had not bothered to do away with him. Of course, Het Vuur still planned to confront the beast himself, though he did not know when. Now was not the time, for he was in a right state, and later was not the time, because he would have to be going into battle. Maybe after the battle, after he had prove his worthiness on the battle field and had healed once more.

Determined to change the subject, he looked away idly and said gruffly, "Whatever happened to that little white stallion? The fool who tried to.." He broke off, thinking of what could have happened to Firelight. And this did not help any, for his anger only worsened. Stomping the ground, he longed to go out and kill something (again), thought consoled himself with the thought that he would be doing plenty of that in the raid. †

[Well I suppose I better tell you this myself.. because he's not about to tell Firelight any time soon. After he confronted Jaws and saw dark.shadow appear, he ran off: partly because he was angry about Firelight's mate still being loyal and partly because he was going to look for Firelight (to no avail of course). Once he realized he wouldn't be able to find her he wandered off, mad at himself, at Firelight, at Jaws, and at dark.shadow. In his anger he picked a fight with a smaller steed, knowing that destroying something would help sooth his anger. Well, he judged wrongly and won by a hair, just barely getting out of it alive. Now he's still mad because his judgment was wrong for the first time and because he's making an absolute mess of everything.]

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