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Date Posted: 12:42:14 06/15/04 Tue
Author: Valkyrie
Subject: .:I'll Carry Your Soul Away:.

With an aura of quiet resolution, the grey mare strode into Dark Evergreens. Her herd had been lax when it came to catching sneaks, thus resulting in her own captivity. Inky tresses spilled over her granite shoulders, rippling obsidian rivulets that danced at the bidding of the gentle wind. The ebony locks of her aigrette swept against her flanks with every movement of charcoal fulcrums, a pendulum to mark every second of her life here in the enemy's territory. Valkyrie lifted her chiseled cranium, dark eyes searching for the one who had snuck her from Val's home in Hopeful Valley. Hopefully her stay here would only be temporary though the vixen seriously doubted it. Ebony flints continued their onward march, bringing the gunmetal chassis in contact with the prickling branches of the evergreen trees that gave the territory its name. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation, the needles scratching against her pelt in a soothing manner. Anger failed to ignite within the dame at her plight because honestly, she didn't care. Apathy had taken hold of her and refused to relinquish the vixen any time soon. She'd done her part over the years to ensure that others from her home hadn't suffered her fate, her reward for loyal service was before her.

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