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Subject: Criterion | |
Author: Paddy (Scotland) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 09:52:47 01/10/05 Mon In reply to: ehe 's message, "," on 00:29:33 01/10/05 Mon If people refuse to work for an honest wage and instead march upon the capital with the intention of overthrowing our democracy the use of the machine gun is entirely appropriate. He was also an alcoholic and in the 1950s was semi-ga-ga while he was P.M. I tend to judge a man on whether he takes the choice that is right when it most matters. In the speech above deliveres in the middle of the war, pre-Alemein, he is unrepentant about making the right choice. HE saved the WORLD from the axis powers by standing up to them even in 1940 when it looked as though the situation was hopeless. There would have been no hope of European liberation later on in the war if he had taken the easy path and signed a peace-deal with the Facists in 1940. That is why he is remembered as the greatest figure the world has ever seen. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |