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Subject: What did Churchill suck? | |
Author: Ed Harris (London) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 10:34:12 01/13/05 Thu In reply to: Aussie 's message, "Churchill sucked" on 08:42:46 01/13/05 Thu I think you'll find that Britain, Canada, Australia and NZ joined the war when other countries were threatened and invaded: Poland, Belgium, France, Scandinavia, all that mob. On the other hand, the Americans didn't join until they were actually attacked. This, of course, is their prerogative and they can not seriously be criticised for wanting to stay out of other people's conflicts so soon after WWI. On the other hand, it does make it a bit rich to suggest that Churchill's Britain was only interested in Britain and not the destruction of national socialist tyranny. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Go back to the cricket, mate - you've been sold the anti-Brit myth | |
Author: Ian (Australia) [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 10:53:41 01/13/05 Thu Churchill stood up to Hitler when the rest of the world was quietly throwing in the towel. The man is certainly a hero of mine. I still get shivers when I read some of his great WWII speeches. When you say he "stood up for his own country", you have to remember that his country was the British Empire. Australia's own leaders were prepared to pull back to the Brisbane line and abandon the people in the northern half of the continent, so we can hardly claim the Churchill is the only one who felt the need to focus attention on one area. He tried to keep us all together, but Britain was ultimately so weakened by the war that even the core nations of the Empire drifted apart. I would like to reverse that and see us drift back together. There is no reason for ANZACS, Brits and Canucks to treat each other as foreigners: we are family. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |