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Subject: Churchill did stand for the world... | |
Author: Frank (US) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 20:33:12 01/13/05 Thu In reply to: Aussie 's message, "Churchill sucked" on 08:42:46 01/13/05 Thu I believe that we can all agree that Winston Churchill's military mind was ineffective at best, highly delustional at worst. However, the defense of Singapore was really not his fault. The actual design of the defenses of the port were outdated and couldn't even accomadate Britains largest Battleships/etc. Also, while Britain lost two battleships defending Singapore, it is important to point out that the original task force planned included an aircraft carrier, which very well may have prevented such a one sided outcome. However, the carrier broke down, and rather than wait for repairs, the fleet sailed for singapore and was sunk by the Japanese air wasn't entirely Churchill's fault, just a combination of bad luck and the simple fact that the Royal Navy didnt have the resources to fight a World War. As for standing up to Hitler, Churchill did indeed stand for the world. Remember, if he makes peace and accepts Nazi domination of Europe, U-boats stop sinking American shipping and FDR has no way to persuade the USA into fighting Nazi Germany. Indeed, the US would have probably used Nazi Europe as a defense against Soviet aggression. So we can come to the conclusion that Winston Churchill was indeed a great man, he stood against Nazi Germany even when he realized victory would most likely mean the end of the British Empire, However he had many shortcoming, predominantly his terrible judgement in military affairs. [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Churchill's Book | |
Author: Dave (UK) [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 15:04:55 01/14/05 Fri I have just purchased Churhill's six volume "The Second World War" for 9.99 from the Folio Society - bargain! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |