Subject: ...gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat... |
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Date Posted: 05:42:47 08/06/03 Wed
In reply to:
's message, "~*~Free at Last~*~" on 13:09:48 08/05/03 Tue
~with a practiced eye, the stallion monitored the filly's movement and proceeded to meander towards the exit, assured she'd soon catch up. wherever Lil' Mist was, having a ball with some strangers, she could catch up later too if she so desired. swinging his head around to snatch a glimpse of Belle darting off, he was surprised to see a filly enticing bees up her nose for fun! what strangeness! almost curious enough to investigate this...this phenomenon...he thought better of it. best mind his own business. now, where should they go? not mars, certainly, but rather, which tt? let's see, there's PI, Destiny Falls, Hopeful Valley, SKB, no more Glen, Dreamspeaker Falls, and Papillion Lagoon, and Secret Grove. that's about it, right? hmmm...he knew he wanted to go somewhere where the inhabitants were friendly, yet they still had, well, pizazz. he wanted action, not just greeting everybody everyday every moment. maybe to join a family would be nice. hmph, yeah right. his family days are long since over. ever since his mother left and his father attempted another mate then disappeared. but, it happens to the best, most certainly, and that includes him. enough of this rambling, let's get booking!
trumpeting a call to Belle, he signalled that he would wait at the exit until she was finished, and then she could pick the place to sojourn to. if he had anything to say, not SKB. (memories of Cameran make me really sad:'(~
((ooc: i go to get my learner's friday! whoohoo! *jumps excitedly*))
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