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Subject: *The Little Things Mean the Most*

Lil' Mist
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Date Posted: 12:39:50 12/11/03 Thu
In reply to: Belle 's message, "~*~You are the fairest of them all~*~" on 10:20:03 12/11/03 Thu

Somewhere Over The Rainbow....

*Smiling softly to herself the dark bay watched from her shadow filled hideaway. She'd been about to approach Belle, when she'd spotted the always rambunctious C return upon the crime scene they had first traipsed nearly 5 years ago. As the bunny rabbit darted towards her path of hiding she stilled, and just when one would think it would pass her by she moved. Lithe form of the vix' coming forth into the sun's touch...fingers of gold causing an almost chocolate like richness to wash over the fae' of strong breeding. Daughter of Elias and treasure of Black Mist, she stood. A smirk upon ebon' lines as she dipped her dial slightly, startling the poor furry critter C had been darting after* "Hello Criminal...Belle." *Winks playfully towards the two, bracing herself just in case C could not halt his retreat as Belle saw it in time*

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~*~what to my wondering eyes should appear....~*~Belle12:50:42 12/11/03 Thu

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