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Date Posted: 07:07:59 10/21/02 Mon
Author: Wiseblood
Author Host/IP: 1Cust168.tnt5.greensboro.nc.da.uu.net /
Subject: Question for the board...

and I apologize if I'm being an arrogant Yank snot here, but I'm just curious -- why so many British fans are here when Firefly hasn't even begun showing in England yet (downloads notwithstanding)?

Is it reflected love from BtVS and AtS? General Joss-adoration? Fascination with the show's American "War of the States" (Civil War to us)/Wild West connotations? General sci-fi fan-type interest? Or something else?

Firefly isn't racking up very high numbers on FOX (a notoriously brutal network renowned for killing young series pretty quickly if they don't do well right out of the gate) and I'm a little concerned, although I haven't heard anything yet from our media about cancellation one way or the other. I will say I personally enjoy the spin on the Civil War that Joss has created, being from the Southern US myself, and think the show is one of the smartest-written series to debut this year (certainly the smartest on FOX).

What is everyone's impression of the dialogue? Is it really weird to you? Some of the turns of speech are old-fashioned but could conceivably have been spoken in our Civil War era (1860's or so). There's quite a bit of Chinese, too, but from what I understand that will be explained in the two-hour episode that was supposed to be shown first and has now been pushed back until sweeps in November.

Again, sorry if I'm coming across as obnoxious. I'm just curious. And very grateful there's a place to discuss Firefly. :)

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