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Date Posted: 01:46:06 10/27/02 Sun
Author: DogDawg
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-ak04.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: A firefly unbound.

How many of you heard the news? Probably all of you. I don't really get ratings but apparently 3.0/9 [sorry if this number isn't completely accurate but it's close] is bad. Apparently, for a show with a 'Firefly' type budget, the network cannot afford a ratings failure like this.

I don't want to be crude here. 'Firefly' is a great show. But it's failure. Let me repeat that. It is failing. Like I said, I apologize for being so forward. This may be depressing some of, just as it is me. 'Firefly', I dare say, is a better show than Joss Whedon's entire vampire franchise, or at least it had the potential to be.

But I have not completely lost hope. It's cancellation is not a done deal yet. And even if it proves so you still are guarenteed at least another 11 episodes from this point, as Fox has ordered 3 more scripts in addition to the original 13. So, we still have something, right?

But I keep thinking to myself, that isn't enough, y'know? 16 eppies is not enough. I just know I'm gonna look back a year, 5 years, a decade, whenever from now and say, "That was the best show that ever had a run, and Fox made a huge mistake." And they will. They don't understand the genius behind the show's creation. They don't get the absolute brilliancy of the series.

I don't want it to go away, but it probably will. But the one thing, above all others, that I am proud of about 'Firefly' is that, it was different. It went to new territory and new heights. It had new fresh dialogue. It had new characters. Everything about it was new and I liked that. I think the metaphor behind this was the title. 'Firefly'. Fireflies, so free, so fresh.

But that was not enough, was it? I ask you to hope for the best of the show that transcended television itself. I ask you to hope for the best for 'Firefly', an unbound soul.

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