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Subject: Re: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)

Cadeirin / AnvilX
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Date Posted: 21:10:12 01/05/01 Fri
In reply to: Fender 's message, "Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)" on 12:14:13 12/26/00 Tue

Sitting back in the shadows away from the noise and people, is an elf. He leans his chair back against the corner wall as he watches and observes the room with disinterest and distaste. It is easy to see by his expression that he is not comfortable by such close surroundings or so many people. His brown hair is long and unruly, on his cheeks sprout long shaggy sideburns, almost unheard of on an elf. His eyes are grayish-green under bushy eyebrows and a sour smirk seems to be chiseled to his mouth. He is dressed in studded leather armor dyed a deep brown and forest green. Sticking above his shoulder can be seen the handle of a long sword and a short sword can be seen belted at his waist. From his only leg exposed to the light can be seen an antler handle dagger sticking out of his soft calf high moccasin. His belongings do not appear to be very valuable, but they are maintained and kept in good condition. He appears to carry only what is needed and few luxuries.

Giving one last look to the room and his untouched mug of mead, he gives a sad shake of his mane and starts to rise. He reaches for his bow leaning against the wall and at the same time nods to the shadows to his left. A young graceful grey wolf emerges from the shadows, tongue lolling as it looks up to the elf. He turns to go when the door opens and two travelers push their way in and up to the bar. For some unknown reason he stops and leans back into the shadows against the wall and watches the new comers. The wolf sits on its haunches at his side. The elf’s eyes grow wide in surprise when the smaller figure throws off its cloak to reveal a flaming hair beautiful woman. A slight grin cracks his mouth as he gently scratches the wolf’s head and listens to the woman’s speech. As the bar fight starts, one of his hands absently goes to the handle of his sword and the other to lay a restraining touch to the wolf. He stays his ground leaning against the wall not making a move waiting to see which way the turn of events will go.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)Sabastian Winterborne14:36:16 01/09/01 Tue
    Re: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)Sabastian Winterborne / Mertaf14:55:09 01/09/01 Tue

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