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Subject: Re: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)

Sabastian Winterborne
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Date Posted: 14:36:16 01/09/01 Tue
In reply to: Fender 's message, "Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)" on 12:14:13 12/26/00 Tue

The doors to the inn suddenly swing open once more. A chilling breeze fills the inn as the event begin to unfold. A six foot tall human enter the tavern, wearing strange robes of the color beige. On top of his head he wears a turban, covering his hair. You do notice he has a full grown brown beard that looks more straggly than a dwarves. He carries in one arm a suit of studded leather armor and in the other a backpack. The only visible weapons he carries is a simple crossbow and a large curved sword, both which are strapped to his belt.

Closing the door behind him he looks about the room "It's good to be home," he smiles. He then moves through the crowd to the bar. Placing his pack on the bar, he looks for a barkeep. "Barkeep, I'd like a room to change in and a warm meal." He says quietly. He then looks back to the crowd looking at the woman and huge man. "And by the way, what's going on here?" He listens to what the barkeep has to say, shrugs.

Tossing him 2 silver, he pick up his pack and leaves the room. Looking back once more before he goes, studying the room and it's occupants. Shrugging once more, he continues on his way.

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Re: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)Sabastian Winterborne / Mertaf14:55:09 01/09/01 Tue

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