Subject: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat) |
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Date Posted: 12:14:13 12/26/00 Tue
The Dragonfeather
Night reigns now as the chill autumn air descends upon the city of Beregost. You are in a recently built inn called the Dragonfeather Tavern. Mostly travelers visit this place. The locals mainly stick to the older, better-established taverns. You can see several merchants mingling with the crowd attempting to solicit money from the overburdened pockets of some adventurers. An older, rather stout barmaid can be seen scrambling through the smoke filled room trying in vain to keep up with the demands of the patrons on this unusually busy night.
You notice the door open and two more travelers push their way in. Judging by the weapons they garnish, you realize that these are adventurers as well. The first one is wearing an olive-green cloak with a hood drawn over his head and the cloak pulled around his body concealing what is underneath. He seems rather short and slender. Though, the composite bow strapped to his back is quite conspicous. His companion is a tall dark-haired man brandishing a well-formed mustache and beard. He looks fairly young, but not naïve. He also is wearing a cloak, though black and pulled back revealing his studded leather armor and clothes underneath. He wears a large claymore on his back and judging by his grim expression, knows how to use it. You can also see, on opposing sides of his body, a crossbow and a short sword. A pair of daggers sheathed and strapped to each calf finishes off his arsenal, or at least what can be seen.
As you observe, the hooded figure approaches the barmaid. After several moments, the large woman nods and smiles. The hooded figure then grasps her arm gently and pats her on the shoulder. He then makes his way to the bar with the large warrior in tow. Upon reaching the bar, the figure turns and regards his companion. He then pulls back his hood and the first thing you see is bright red hair. Then you notice the delicate facial features and realize that the small slender warrior is no man. She shakes her head and long, fiery red hair spills over her shoulders. She cracks a sly smile at her companion, then hurls herself up on the bar. Standing straight she places two fingers to her mouth and lets out and ear-piercing whistle. The whole tavern grows silent and lends their attention to the lady. You can see in her pale blue eyes and by her smirk that she is a spirited woman. She then begins speaking.
"Well met good people. I am in dire need of brave hearted adventurers who are willing to leave this place at dawn to face great dangers in order to save a life." Her face grows serious and even a bit desperate as she sighs slightly, "I'm afraid I have no payment to offer in advance. Though…"
The remainder of her sentence is lost in the rumbling of the patrons who seem upset for having their time wasted. Again, you hear an ear-piercing whistle and the patrons; many irritably, once again give the lady attention.
"Please let me finish," she pleaded, "As I said, I have no payment in advance. I can promise…" She stops as she looks down to find a hand groping her leg. She traces the arm to find the drunken glassy-eyed face of a young adventurer.
"I bet you've got plenty to give," he says with a huge grin on his face.
He is promptly rewarded with her boot in his face. The man falls back off of his stool and thuds to the ground with blood pouring out of his newly reformed nose. Before his companion seated beside the fallen man could rise from his stool, he finds himself pinned between the stool and the bar, held fast by the much larger foot of the woman's companion. This hold however is not held long as __ more people stand from seats nearby and rush into the fray. You see a warrior with his sword drawn and shield raised attacking the tall warrior. You also see what looks like a priest run into the battle. Further back, standing in the corner, you see a younger man dressed in purple and blue robes chanting in what you assume to be the arcane language. The crowd parts and watches.
Are their any good-hearted patrons who would aid the two helplessly outnumbered adventurers in their struggles?
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