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Subject: Re: Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)

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Date Posted: 20:29:13 01/10/01 Wed
In reply to: Fender 's message, "Dogs of War (In Character RP Chat)" on 12:14:13 12/26/00 Tue

Standing behind the bar with a look dissapointment is the bartender and owner of the Dragonfeather; Kale Northwind. Kale's age shows on his plump, weathered face. The little hair he has left is white as cotton. Kale's eyes always remain bloodshot as if under too much stress. He looks around the room and yells, "Morrigan!! Where in the nine hells are you?!" He then looks down at the crowd at the bar and notices Sabastian's coins on the table and spies the back of the hasty traveler as he exits. He shakes his head and mutters to himself somenthing indecipherable. He then looks over to the fight and shouts "Morrigan, where are you when I need you?!" he shakes his head, "'Tis a pity...such a nice girl…Someone get the guard!”

For those who have been there the whole seen:

It’s difficult to make out details of the battle on the floor through the thick crowd surrounding the area. Due to the speed at which this happens, the attacking party seems to not take notice to the thin elf standing on the bar with bow drawn. You see a man with sword and shield attacking the tall warrior. You also see the priest produce a mace and begin to close in on the tall warrior. His mace arcs through the air toward the man who no longer has his claymore on his back but in his hands. The priest is caught a bit unaware though as the woman makes a flying leap and catches him on the shoulder with one of her twin blades while simultaneously dodging a magical beam of energy issued by the young wizard and leaping over the blade of the other man who was seated at the bar. You see the fallen man rise and wipe the blood off of his face. The large man then grabs the huge axe off of his back and moves into the fray.

This is one round of combat.

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