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Subject: x.x Demon's Daughter x.x

x.x Veronica T x.x
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Date Posted: 11:57:55 07/24/04 Sat
In reply to: Isis 's message, ".|wicked blood|." on 19:32:11 07/23/04 Fri

x.x Fem stalked moodily by brushing against the human girl. "Sorry." She mumbled and glanced at the girl. Fae knit her brow together in a look of puzzlement. Elegant fem was dressed all in black, a brand new leather jacket lined with mink, designer black jeans, name brand tight fitting tank and leather boots. Minx took in the situation, an elf, a vamp and an angel, all intent on this one girl. Her lip curled and she shook her head. Wondering what the vamp and angel were up to she leaned against the wall, watching the three. Wheat hued locks fell down her back and saphire pools gazed at the three on the ground and causually glanced up a the angel. She had seen all three of these before, the vamp at the club, pier, and warehouse, the angel at the warehouse and the elf at the pier. Minx chuckled softly, seemed they all had a common likeness for dark, dank, and dangerous places. "You ok?" She softly asked the girl. Normally she wasn't a kind sort but she felt this girl was in over her head x.x

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Angel of DarknessEva12:09:08 07/24/04 Sat

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