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Subject: The Sweet Taste of Blood

Raven of Darkness
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Date Posted: 23:38:08 07/29/04 Thu
In reply to: Rage 's message, ":: Elven Secret ::" on 23:03:54 07/29/04 Thu

Growling continues as the vixen listens caring little for the two legs opinions. She was claiming this territory and did not aprove of two legs as they alway brought trouble with their selfish ways. audits shifting to rest on her crania she moves forward once more her dark glance now resting on the inferior two leg immortal as she called her self. talons scoring the earth beneath her with every step as the hair along her back raises with rage. curled kissers pulling tighter as she brings her crania up to attack position. the rumble in her throat growing with each minute as she readys her self for an attack. This was her turf and she did not like fighting upon it. Her mud smeared pelt taking a reddish tint from dried blood from many fights as the metal studs on her grungy collar tattered and dirty glimmered dully. The only token that she had been cared for that she could not rid herself of.

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- runaway -- chasity -01:30:30 07/30/04 Fri

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